About Me

I am a researcher at the University of Chicago Justice Project and a Ph.D. candidate in sociology at the University of Chicago. In the summer, I’ll be starting as an assistant professor at University of Toronto. I received my Doctor of the Sciences of Law (JSD) degree from Yale Law School in 2020.

I am interested in criminal legal reforms and prison governance. My research focuses on understanding how penal laws, criminal procedure, and public policies affect incarceration rates, social and racial inequality, and crime rates. In particular, my work has examined how legal transplants from the U.S. to Latin American countries have affected pre-trial detention, criminal behavior, conviction rates, and imprisonment rates in the region.

In my Ph.D. dissertation, I explore the effect of anti-gang legislation in the U.S. on crime rates, incarceration rates, expansion of police forces, and social and racial inequality. My research on anti-gang legislation has been supported by the Horowitz Foundation and the Institute for Humane Studies.

My work has been featured in Fox News, NBC News, Univision, Telemundo, WBEZ, and El Espectador. You can find my research available on SSRN and Google Scholar.